Home - 2000 - 2099

World History for the years :-

  • 1900 - 1999 Go back 100 years

  • 2000 Turn of the new century. The Millennium Bug wasn't quite as bad as we thought !

  • 2001 The 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre. The movie '2001' refers to this year.

  • 2008 Financial Meltdown.

  • 2009 James Cameron releases the movie "Avatar"

  • 2014 Russia invades Crimea.

  • 2022 Russia invades Ukraine.

  • 2023 Massive 7.8 earthquake in Turkey kills 53 thousand.

  • 2068 Asteroid '99942 Apophis' will make a close fly-by of Earth, chance of impact is timy.

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